Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Geography Resources

Here are a few additional geography resources of note.

In a previous post, I mentioned the National Geographic Xpeditions site, which is a great spot to find lessons and print-friendly maps. Another place to get maps, including "Maps with Historical Themes" (e.g., Silk Road, Moundbuilder sites in the U.S.) is under the "Maps" tab (on the left-hand side of the homepage) from the Arizona Geographic Alliance site.

Another quick link to resources is Education World's "Great Sites" for map-related activities.

Teachnology also archives great lesson ideas, including the Edible State Map Lesson Plan (including the recipe).

Finally, don't forget about the myriad features via Google Maps (I talk about Google Earth and gCensus in a previous post). For example, when teaching younger students the differences between horizontal and bird's eye views, that little "yellow figure" can be dragged to any location for a street-level view of most communities.

Street-level image (once figure is dragged to map) via Google Maps

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